The Bacground of the story

The Bacground ① of a pokemon country on the 249Vore Poke channel.

(1)Tax goes up ⇒ The poor are in financial trouble ⇒ Poor people cannot give birth to children ⇒ The population decrease ⇒ There aren't enough workers 
⇒ Tax not collected ⇒ Tax goes up ⇒ ...

(2)Tax goes up ⇒ There aren't enough workers ⇒ Company hire cheap foreign workers ⇒ Regular employees are not hired ⇒  Unemployment increases 
⇒ The number of poor people increases ⇒ Tax not collected 
⇒ Tax goes up ⇒ ...

※The 249Vore Poke channel is just a vore channel.
All I made my story with delusion, 
any similarity to actual persons or events is unintentional.


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