I'll distribute games!

Hello, everyone.

 I make this blogger account to distribute published games on the 249Vore Poke Channel or 学問 channel on Youtube.

 I'm going to make many games... vore game, RPG, horror game, escape game and so on. The game stories connect 249Vore Poke Channel story and 学問 channel.

 Please looking forward to distributing games.
 I'll report my channel the information of the game distribution in detail.
 249Vore Poke Channel
 学問 Channel

 ※My mother tongue is Japanese. So my English isn't perfect.
If there might be some error sentences or spells, please tell me.


Requested Vore Stories 6/26/2024 1.00 ver

Eevee Vore Game Distribution!

Request List (401~800) 72/321